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Projet de loi N°10.23 portant organisation et gestion des établissements pénitentiaires

First reading

Office of the House of Representatives
The text as deposited at the Bureau of the Chamber Source text: : Gouvernement Filing date: Friday 5 May 2023
The Committee
Submitted to ⵜⴰⵙⵇⵇⵉⵎⵜ ⵏ ⵜⵣⵔⴼⵜ ⴷ ⵓⵣⵣⵔⴰⴼ ⴷ ⵉⵣⵔⴼⴰⵏ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴳⴰⵏ On Tuesday 9 May 2023
Plenary meeting
Date of adoption in plenary session: Tuesday 24 October 2023 Result of voting Adopté à la majorité : "Oui":115, "Non": 0, "Abstentions": 45.