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House of Representatives Takes Part in Meeting of the Arab Parliament's High-Level Parliamentary Working Group on Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transition

<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">Rep. Ilham Saki (Group of Authenticity and Modernity) is taking part in the executive meeting and enlarged meeting of the Arab Parliament's High-Level Parliamentary Working Group on Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transition, held from April 30 to May 2, 2024, in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">The participation falls within the scope of the Representative's mission as a member of the Group's Steering Bureau.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">During the meeting, the Group members examined and adopted the founding principles of the Group's Honor and Ethics Code regarding the optimal use of artificial intelligence. Besides, the meeting featured a presentation on "Artificial intelligence: its applications and impacts on society and economic growth." The meeting also featured the creation of an AI platform for the Group, which aims to facilitate the exchange of information and best practices between the representatives of the Arab Parliaments in this field.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">The members also agreed to hold an Arab Parliamentary Conference on Technology and Economy in Jordan in the current year, with the theme "Impact of Technology and Innovation on Economic Growth in the Arab World."</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">In parallel to this meeting, Rep. Ilham Saki held a series of meetings with the Minister of Digital Economy and Leadership and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Jordan. In this regard, she shed light on the strategy of the Kingdom of Morocco in higher education and scientific research, which aims to achieve quality in training and enhance the competitiveness of scientific research at the regional and international levels. She also added that Morocco works to entrench the culture of digital transition at all levels and exploit the opportunities offered by digitalization to open new horizons and push the development wheel. She specifically mentioned the digitalization of Moroccan administration to ameliorate services and fulfill the aspirations of citizens and enterprises.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">During her meeting, alongside the other Group members, with the Head of the Jordanian National Cyber Security Center, Rep. Ilham Saki noted that the Kingdom of Morocco established a strategy based on three main axes: the elaboration of national references and criteria for information systems, the guarantee of the security of information systems in public administrations and institutions and strategic infrastructure, and the consolidation of the structures of vigilance, diagnosis, and response to information security incidents. Besides, she noted that Morocco put in place a legal framework to build digital trust and cybersecurity governance with a view to protecting personal data.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;" dir="LTR">The Arab Parliament's High-Level Parliamentary Working Group on Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transition is the first Arab parliamentary network specializing in science and technology. It works to increase interest in this area in the Arab world and establish the foundations for an efficient complementarity between science, technology, and parliamentary work in the Arab world.</p>