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Parliamentarians Contribute a Month of their Compensation to the Efforts of National Mobilization against Coronavirus (Joint Communique of the two Houses of Parliament)

<p style="text-align: justify;">As part of our country’s national mobilization efforts to limit the impacts and risks of the spread of Coronavirus – COVID-19, the Parliament engages in this dynamism, following the values of solidarity emanating from the spirit of Moroccan society and its long-standing traditions of cooperation and alliance, also set out in the Moroccan Constitution, which stipulates that all citizens must bear jointly the costs resulting from disasters. At the initiative of chairpersons of parliamentary groups and caucuses, and in coordination with Speakers of House of Representatives and House of Councilors Habib El Malki and Abdelhakim Ben Chemmach, the Boards of both Houses have decided to join this national mobilization via the contribution of all deputies and councilors by the sum of one month of their monthly compensation.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">In addition to this deduction, the Parliament remains committed to the national duty of continuously mobilizing and accompanying the various developments in this new situation. The two Houses have also taken several measures that would enable the Parliament to pursue its presence and continue to exercise its constitutional functions in harmony with the international parliamentary practices responding to these new conditions, and following the High Royal directives in this regard.</p>