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Parliamentary Center for Research and Studies




As ratified by the House’s Board in its meeting held on

July 12th, 2018



 Establishment of the Center:

The establishment of the Parliamentary Center for Research and Studies is part of the institutional reforms in Morocco, within which the Parliament has a privileged status given the roles conferred to it regarding legislation, government control, and evaluation of public policies.

The establishment of this center reflects the political determination of the bodies of the House of Representatives, directed at improving and refining parliamentary work through creating an administrative research body specializing in preparing research papers, studies, and reports, and providing Deputies with information that would assist them in fulfilling their constitutional tasks.


Objectives of the Center:

The Parliamentary Center for Research and Studies aims at the following: 

  • Following-up, improving and consolidating the parliamentary performance by assisting the House of Representatives in performing its legislative, government control, and constitutional tasks;
  • Providing the bodies, units, and Deputies of the House of Representatives with information that would help them fulfill their tasks in legislation, government control, evaluation of public policies, and parliamentary diplomacy. 


Services of the Center:

In order to meet its objectives, the Parliamentary Center for Research and Studies, by virtue of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives, provides the following services: 

  • Specialized research and studies;
  • Research papers and data on public policies;
  • Analytical studies on legislations;
  • Assessment of impact of legislative texts;
  • Studies on issues relating to government control;
  • Research papers on the diplomatic work of the House of Representatives;
  • Studies on the financial (Article 77 of the constitution), and legislative impacts (article 79 of the constitution) of legislative texts;
  • Studies on public finances and financial assessment.

Center’s Working Mechanisms:

In order to fulfill the tasks conferred to it, the center gathers and analyses data relating to parliamentary work using the following mechanisms: 

  • The Research units forming the center, which are defined by the resolution of the Board of the House of Representatives;
  • Partnership and cooperation agreements concluded with higher education and scientific research institutions;
  • Partnership and cooperation agreements concluded with parliamentary centers for research and studies in countries with whom the Kingdom of Morocco has parliamentary and diplomatic ties;
  • Cooperation with national libraries, specialized research centers, and associations of specialized researchers in social sciences;
  • Engagement of parliamentary work experts and specialists;
  • Access to various official national and foreign information and data resources.