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Participatory Democracy

The House of Representatives is mandated to involve the public, and particularly youth, in its works and the activities of deputies, under Article 33 of the Constitution that urges expanding and generalizing the participation of youth in the social, economic, cultural, and political development of the country, and according to Article 137 of the House of Representatives, which stipulates communication with civil society bodies and active interaction with their concerns.

In order to implement the will of the House of Representatives to encourage youth to take part in legislative action to identify their aspirations and opinions on issues that concern them and to offer solutions to the challenges they face, a “participatory democracy” space has been created on this website, allowing all citizens to:

- Take part in legislation by expressing their views on government and parliamentary bills under examination within standing committees in various areas via “Your Opinion Matters," which is a way of ensuring that their voices are heard in committee discussions, where most House works are conducted.

- Exercise their right to submit petitions and motions on legislation, which is one of the most important innovations brought by the Constitution, and in which the House and all its components have engaged to consolidate citizen participation. To this end, a Petitions Committee has been set up to examine the petitions addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Petition addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding the implementation of active constitutional parity by 2030