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Parliamentary Groups and Caucuses : 2021-2026

The House of Representatives held on Monday, October 11, 2021, a plenary sitting, chaired by the Speaker of the House Rachid Talbi Alami. The sitting was devoted to the election of the members of the Board of the House of Representatives and the chairpersons of the Standing Committees, in addition to the announcement of the lists of the parliamentary groups and caucus and their chairpersons.


List of the Chairpersons of the Parliamentary Groups and Caucus

Legislative Term: 2021-2026 

Parliamentary Group or Caucus Number of attached Representatives Chairperson Comments
Group of the National Rally of Independents 102 Mohamed Ghayat  
Group of Authenticity and Modernity 87 Ahmed Touizi  
Istiqlali Group of Unity and Egalitarianism 81 Nourdin Moudian  
Socialist Group - Ittihadi Opposition 34 Abderrahim Chahid Opposition
Haraki Group 28 Driss Sentissi Opposition
Constitutional, Democratic and Social Group 23 Chaoui Belassal Critical support
Group of Progress and Socialism 22 Rachid Hamouni Opposition
Parliamentary Caucus of Justice and Development 13 Abdellah Bouanou Opposition




Parliamentary Groups and Caucuses 
  • Group of the National Rally of Independents
  • Group of Authenticity and Modernity
  • Istiqlali Group of Unity and Egalitarianism
  • Socialist Group - Ittihadi Opposition
  • Haraki Group
  • Group of Progress and Socialism
  • Constitutional, Democratic and Social Group
  • Parliamentary Caucus of Justice and Development
  • Non-attached Members