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Preamble of the Rules of Procedure

I am pleased to introduce this new issue of the Rules of Procedure in its second edition following the 2011 constitution, and following the contribution of House's bodies to its formulation and their agreement on its contents and provisions, which ensure the well-functioning of our work, achieve the desired balance, and guarantee our rights and obligations.

The new Rules of Procedure are the product of interplay between the development imperatives and the political and legal changes. They will launch an important phase of our institutional work, and add an unprecedented dynamic through the projects and prospects they have opened, which would give our parliamentary practice an efficiency that fulfills the requirements of the present phase and the responsibilities entrusted to the House of Representatives in terms of legislation, control, parliamentary diplomacy, and evaluation of public policies.

These Rules of Procedure reflect, thanks to the collective efforts and awareness of the challenges we are facing, an intention to rethink our representative roles, as a sacred mission, in discussing and solving the social issues, and defending our country’s highest interests. This all was reflected by the valuable, assuring, and stimulating provisions laid down for the first time in the Rules of Procedure and consolidated with guiding instruments we all undertook to observe and invoke.

The Rules of Procedure have succeeded in implementing the new provisions of the organic laws, and suggesting the best means to their implementation, especially concerning petitions and motions in legislation, which are today the citizens’ constitutional right. The Rules of Procedure have also managed to draw lessons from our past experiences. They have also launched projects that would expand our roles and contribute to the House’s openness to its periphery.

The aspiration that prevailed during the preparation of these Rules of Procedure, and the continuous debate enriched by the House organs and the technical committee deriving from the committee for Rules of procedure, are giving us hope about this distinct product, thanks to the collective determination that characterized its preparation, which put the country’s interests and the citizens’ issues and representation responsibilities above all.                                                                                                       

And God is the arbiter of success

                                                                                                          Habib El Malki

                                                                                  Speaker of the House of Representatives