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Interim Exploratory Missions

Section 4 of Title 8 of Part II of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives, concerning "the Principles and rules regulating the bodies of the House," defines the role of interim exploratory missions.

In this respect, Article 107 states that a standing committee may, at the request of its chairperson, and upon the approval of its bureau, the chairperson of a parliamentary group or caucus, or one-third of the committee members,  run an interim exploratory mission on the conditions of implementation of a legal text, a matter of general interest, or a matter related to a Government or administrative activity, or a public enterprise, upon approval of the Board of the House.

The subject of the interim exploratory mission must be related to the sectors, areas, and institutions that fall under the committee's competence.

The Board of the House establishes a set of rules that organize the works of these exploratory missions.

In practice, the chairperson of the concerned committee who requests the launch of an exploratory mission extends a request for task assignment to the House's Speaker. The request should include the reason for the mission and its delimitations, including the issues it intends to resolve, its date and time, and a description of the human and material resources required for its performance.

Article 108 sets the number of deputies in charge of running the exploratory mission. Their number must not exceed 13, nor be inferior to 2.

The parliamentary groups and caucuses may appoint one or two representatives from outside the committee that formed the exploratory mission.

The appointment of the members of the exploratory mission should take into consideration expertise and specialization.

The exploratory mission members designate a chairperson and a rapporteur, one of which is from the opposition, in alignment with the principle of proportional representation. Also, they appoint a deputy chairperson and vice rapporteur. The priority in designating the chairperson and the rapporteur is given to the deputy who requested the mission, considering the alternation principle.

The exploratory mission members must commit to performing their tasks following the conditions stipulated in the task assignment deposited with the Board of the House. In this respect, they draft a report upon completing their mission and refer it to the committee's bureau.

Article 109 stipulates the procedure to be followed in examining the report on the exploratory mission. Thereby, the report is referred to the Board of the House and the competent standing committee within 60 days of the start of the first measure. The exploratory mission's rapporteur presents the report before the committee members for the discussion, and the Government is invited to attend and participate in the discussion. The standing committee must prepare a summary of the discussion attached to the report on the exploratory mission and deposit it with the Board of the House, who decides whether to submit it to the plenary sitting.

In the case of the presentation of the report in the plenary sitting, the Government may attend the sitting to respond to the related questions.

It should be noted that impartiality and independence must be ensured in the performance of the exploratory missions by deputies, following the provisions of Articles 361 to 363 of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives. Any risk of conflict of interest that might jeopardize the smooth running of the mission must be brought to the attention of the Speaker of the House of Representatives before launching the mission (Article 362).


Exploratory Missions

Competent Standing Committees

- Interim exploratory mission to inquire on the situation of some penitentiary establishments: Ain Sebaâ Local Prison, Prison Moul Bergui in Safi, and Prison Toulal 1 in Meknes.

Justice, Legislation and Human Rights Committee

- Interim exploratory mission to inquire on the criteria of defining the prices for public sales, and the reality and conditions of competition in the sector of oil following the decision to deregulate prices.

Finance and Economic Development Committee

- Interim exploratory mission on the sector of credit institutions and similar bodies.

- Interim exploratory mission on grass-covered fields of the Royal Moroccan Football Association, and the running tracks of the Royal Moroccan Athleticism Association.

Social Sectors Committee

- Interim Exploratory Mission in charge of evaluating the situation of the National Agency for the Promotion of Jobs and Competencies (ANAPEC) and its various performances in creating job positions and professional integration.

- Interim exploratory mission on the social protection establishments.

- Interim exploratory mission on the national center and regional blood center of Rabat and the blood services in Fes university hospital (CHU) to inquire on the management of said centers and services.

- Interim exploratory mission in Ar-Razi Psychiatric Hospital in Berrechid and Marrakech Psychiatric Hospital.

- Interim exploratory mission on the border checkpoints of the North of the Kingdom to inquire about the smooth running of the 2017 operation of transit of Moroccan expatriates.

Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs, and Moroccan Expatriates Committee

- Interim exploratory mission to inquire about the situation of federal buildings and unregistered Habous property recovered.

- Interim exploratory mission on Sebta checkpoint to inquire about the situation of abandoned children and the situation of the women who carry out “subsistence smuggling.”

- Interim exploratory mission on some Kingdom’s consulates abroad.

- Interim exploratory mission to identify the flaws causing delays in the trains of ONCF, as reported in the report of the Court of Accounts in 2015.

Infrastructure, Energy, Mining and Environment Committee

- Interim exploratory mission on quarries.

- Interim exploratory mission on the National Office of Electricity and Potable Water (ONEEP).

- Interim exploratory mission to inquire on the situation of some projects of industrial zones in our country, and the reasons for their failure (industrial zones of Khemisset and Temara ...).

Productive Sectors Committee

- Interim exploratory mission on the group  Cosumar.

- Interim exploratory mission on the Maghreb Arab Press Agency MAP.

Education, Culture, and Communication Committee

- Interim exploratory mission on the Office of Vocational Training and Employment Promotion (OFPPT).