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Speaker of House of Representatives Chairs Meeting to Review Progress of Work of Thematic Working Group in Charge of Evaluating Public Policies in Elementary Education

<p style="text-align: justify;">Speaker of House of Representatives Habib El Malki chaired on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at the House, a meeting of the Thematic Working Group in Charge of Evaluating the Public Policies in Elementary Education. The meeting was devoted to reviewing the progress of the Group's activities.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">On this occasion, the Speaker of the House of Representatives noted the agreement of all the House components on elementary education being the object of the fourth evaluation process since 2015 as part of interacting with the aspirations of Moroccans and under the directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God glorify him, and his orders to give elementary education peculiar attention in elaborating public policies. In this respect, His Majesty the King stated in his message addressed to the participants in the “National Day on Elementary Education,” held in Sekhirat in 2018, “…As far as the reform of the education system is concerned, I am sure you all realize the importance of elementary education. Any reform should be based on this solid foundation, since it enables children to acquire mental and cognitive skills and abilities that ensure smooth access to learning and success in school, thereby reducing the risks of repeating a class or dropping out of school altogether.”</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">Mr. El Malki noted that the Royal directives a base reference for the work of the Thematic Group at the levels of identifying and suggesting gateways towards reforming this important brick in the educational system to ensure value, equity, quality, the principle of generalization, the availability of the educational supply, and the right to access elementary education as stipulated in the Constitution of the Kingdom.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">The Speaker of the House of Representatives commended the efforts of the Group members in collecting the data and figures and scrutinizing the policies relating to elementary education, in addition to running the necessary analysis in the sector and meeting with the concerned actors, including the Government officials, the regional directors, and the civil society organizations. He also noted with satisfaction the accomplishment of the elaboration of the report by the Group before its presentation in a plenary sitting within this month.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">In the same respect, Mr. El Malki lauded the work of the Group in streamlining more than a year of action, especially that "their work concerned running a post-evaluation of the achievements realized based on the National Charter for Education and Training and the 2000-2015 Emergency plan, and a timely assessment of the 2018-2028 National Program for the Generalization and Promotion of Elementary Education, in addition to foreseeing the future of a sector that is a pillar to future Morocco.” The Speaker also praised the spirit of consensus that marked the work methodology of the Thematic Group, which “reflects the national nature of the policy under evaluation and its position amongst our interests.”</p>