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Projet de loi N°59.12 portant approbation du protocole facultatif à la convention relative aux droits de l'enfant établissant une procédure de présentation de communications, fait à New York le 19 décembre 2011.

First reading

Office of the House of Representatives
The text as deposited at the Bureau of the Chamber Source text: Gouvernement Filing date: Monday 15 October 2012
The Committee
Submitted to Committee of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights On Thursday 18 September 2014
Plenary meeting
Date of adoption in plenary session: Tuesday 18 December 2012 Result of voting Unanimité.

Second reading

Office of the House of Representatives
Been transfered to the House on Thursday 18 September 2014
The Committee
Submitted to Committee of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights On Thursday 18 September 2014
Minutes of the Plenary Session
Result of voting .