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Standing Committees for Second Half of 11th Legislative Term (2021-2026)

The House of Representatives elected on Monday, April 22, 2024, the chairpersons of the Standing Committees for the second half of the 11th Legislative Term (2021-2026). The election took place during a plenary sitting chaired by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Rachid Talbi El Alami.

List of the chairpersons of the Standing Committees for the second half of the 11thLegislative term (2021-2026):

Standing Committees


Parliamentary Group

Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs, and Moroccan Expatriates Committee Rep. Salma Benaziz Group of the National Rally of Independents
Internal Affairs, Communes, Housing, and Urban Policy Committee Rep. Mohamed Ouadmine Group of Authenticity and Modernity
Justice, Legislation, and Human Rights Committee Rep. Said Baaziz Socialist Group – Ittihadi Opposition
Finance and Economic Development Committee Rep. Lahcen Saadi Group of the National Rally of Independents
Social Sectors Committee Rep. Hamid Noughou The Constitutional Democratic Social Group
Productive Sectors Committee Rep. Abdelaziz Lachheb Istiqlali Group of Unity and Egalitarianism
Infrastructure, Energy, Mining and Environment Committee Rep. Ibrahim Aba Haraki Group
Education, Culture and Communication Committee Rep. Addi Chajri Group of Progress and Socialism
Public Finance Control Committee Rep. Mohamed El-Hejira Group of Authenticity and Modernity

* Standing Committees in the House of Representatives (2021-2026 Legislature) - (archive)